Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The power of a book

I have recently started to read the book Escape From Slavery by Francis Bok. The book is Bok's true story of his life as a modern day slave. The issue of slavery is something that God has placed on my heart, so I therefore have a tendency to read books that are of this nature. However this particular book has touched my life in an even bigger way than many of the other books that I have read.

As you have probably noticed through reading my other blogs I have a love for the people of Sudan, the Dinka tribe in particular. One of the special things about the book Escape From Slavery is that it is about that tribe. Francis Bok is from the Dinka tribe. He is not from the same location that I visited while in Sudan but he is part of the same tribe none the less.

While reading Bok's book I could imagine every thing that he was talking about. I would imagine the land and the huts. I could even see the people. Bok's book not only is a good read for anyone who wants to learn more about modern day slavery but it also helps the reader understand more about the Dinka culture.

Bok also goes into some details about his life in a refugee camp and his life in the United States. The book is very eye opening. I would highly recommend it. If you decide to read it and you find that you learned a lot. I would also recommend a few other books. If you want to learn more about the plight of the Dinka I tribe I would recommend the books Why Haven't You Left? by Marc Nikkel, and Lost Boy No More by Abraham Nhial. If you want to read more about modern day slavery I would recommend the book Slave by Mende Nazer.

All three of these books are good reads and very educational. I find that they do a good job at opening my eyes to issues that I didn't know existed in the world today. They also do a very good job at connecting the reader to issues in which they are writing about.

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